Our next WI meeting is on Wednesday 10th May when our speaker for the evening is Tim Narey, who will be telling us all about The Eden Project North in Morecambe.
Tim was part of the original design team that created Eden in Cornwall in the 1990’s. He then left the UK to work overseas in Hongkong and has also worked in North America and the Middle East. He returned to join the Eden development team and is helping deliver the programme in Morecambe. He will talk about the history of Eden Cornwall and how the Eden team and its partners are creating a second Eden in Morecambe and its unique visitor experience, design features and how it will contribute to Lancashire, Morecambe Bay and the North as a world-class visitor destination. The meeting is open to all from 8pm - admission £3 including refreshments. Prior to our speaker, members and any ladies who would like to join us, will enjoy a belated Coronation Toast as well as voting on this year's WI resolution - "clean rivers for people and wildlife". Please note this month's meeting starts at the earlier time of 7.15pm in the village hall. Call Sue or Liz on 07718 904082 or 07894 710014 for more information. Comments are closed.
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