The road from Kendal to Brigsteer will be closed from Wednesday 12th June until further notice due to structural concerns over the bridge crossing the A591. Access to the village hall will be via he Lyth Valley, or Levens.
Tea shop will be back up & running at the end of this month so just getting organised with the cake rota.
If anyone would like to bake for Tea Shop pls message 07849 916167 with your preferred date. Dates are as follows:
Thank you to the 17 people and three others who attended or expressed an interest in getting Bowling again.
That number looks promising and indicates we can start this activity again. DATES - meeting twice a month on the second and fourth Monday of each month at 7.30 pm. Indoor shoes and £3.00 per person. (No OAP concession!) September 25th. October 9th and 23rd. November 13th and 27th. December 11th and a week earlier on the 18th to avoid Christmas. I will circulate reminders nearer the time as these aren't particularly memorable dates. Looking forward to engaging in this fun, social and testing activity. Hi All
Some notices for your diaries Boules: Tuesday 12th September: last boules session of the season at the village hall. Luigi’s hand-carved Trophy is up for grabs to retain for the winter. All welcome - bring your own refreshments. Start time 6.45. Table Tennis Group: Table tennis in the hall will restart on Tuesday 19th September from 7.00pm to 9.00pm and run every Tuesday through to December. All skill levels welcome. It’s good fun & good exercise. Equipment & soft drinks provided but feel free to bring your own bat. Cost will be £2.50 pay as you go or a one-off payment of £25 for the season (14 weeks) cash preferred. Tea Shop: Tea shop will also be back again from September - held on the last Tuesday of the month as a drop in between 3.00pm & 4.30pm. Visitors & villagers alike are welcome and payment is by donation on the day. We are hoping to invite Leah Dalby, physiotherapist, to our first session. Leah is raising money for The Mouth Cancer Foundation and she will offer hand massages during Tea Shop. Surplus proceeds from the session will be donated to Leah’s cause. Shelley will be setting up a cake making rota again this season so please could any willing bakers out there confirm to Shelley directly (in person or message 07849916167) if they would like to bake for Tea Shop & which month they would prefer! Thank you from the Tea Shop Team That’s it - sorry it’s a long read this time! In the face of rising costs the Hall Trustees have reluctantly decided to raise the Hall hire charges for 2023. This is only the second rise in twelve years. Whilst the weekday bookings are looking really good and our particular thanks to our regulars who provide such a variety of activities for the local community, weekend bookings are down post Covid and this, alongside increasing running costs, means the Hall is currently running at a small deficit.
From 2023 the locals' or weekday activities rate will rise by just £1 to £8 per hour. The standard rate of hire will increase to £16 per hour. To encourage more weekend use the weekend charges are being held at the current rates for now. New Charges The aim of the Committee is always to provide a great venue for the local community and value for money to all users. They will continue to hold prices down as best they can. Please support us by minimising the use of electricity etc wherever possible. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us. Dates for your diaries. We have two highlights events in the autumn and will supply more details by the end of the month.
Thursday 17th November King of Egypt Sunday 4th December Sonrisa, a Latin band who I understand have performed in Brigsteer previously. Sorry for scant information at this stage but off on my holidays tomorrow, just wanted to ensure you saved the date. Many thanks Melanie We are pleased to let you know that Tea Shop is back!
Tea Shop is a drop in session at the village hall. All are welcome for tea, coffee, homemade cakes & a chance to catch up & chat. Please come along on the last Tuesday of the month any time between 2pm & 4pm. The first session will be on 28th June. The other dates for your diaries are: 26th July 30th August 27th September 25th October & 29th November We look forward to seeing you all. The Tea Shop Team Ps: if there are any bakers who would like to join the rota of cake baking for the Tea Shop events, please respond via FB or message 07849 916167 or call 015395 68093 & we’ll be in touch. Thank you. Unfortunately Zoe Gilby has tested positive for covid so the event on Thursday 17th March is cancelled. We have been offered a new date of 12th May and will let you know once it is confirmed. Anybody who has booked via the website will receive a refund.
Table Tennis begins again on Tuesday 11 January 7pm - 9pm
All welcome, no experience necessary, just turn up! Equipment provided £2.20 per session Sadly, not enough people have expressed interest in attending the ceilidh to make it a worthwhile event, and because of that, and the seemingly worsening covid situation, we have regretfully decided to cancel it.
I would be interested to hear from people who have attended previous ceilidhs as to why they were not interested in this one, and whether they might be interested in future. Dear all, we have had greetings cards made picturing the wall hanging in the village hall.
There are two slightly different designs, both blank inside. Size is 14.5 x 10.5 cm with envelopes. They are for sale individually at £2.50 or five cards for £10. They could be used as Christmas cards. If you would like to buy, message me on 07849 916167 & we can sort out delivery & payment. Shelly We have secured two fab shows for the winter via Highlights Rural Touring Agency. A theatre production on 7 November & a Christmas show on 10 December.
More info to follow but please save the dates in your diaries for now! Hi everyone!
Yes, we are open! The hall is safe & ready for use but we need you all to do your part & follow all the measures we have put in place to keep it a safe place to meet & enjoy your events. There are a couple of Highlights events at the Hall coming soon so check out their website where you can book online. See you all soon! The Village Hall is currently closed, we hope to reopen on May 17
More info - If you wish to book the hall please do so using the bookings page on this website - we will contact you with details of the anticipated Covid19 arrangements. Some good news! It’s the Hall’s 10th anniversary this weekend.
Unfortunately we can’t hold the party we had planned to thank all the friends & volunteers who helped to put the new hall in place and who keep it up & running and safe. We will be marking the occasion though, with a tree planting event this weekend, so next time you are at the Hall, look out for the new crab apple tree in the garden. This needs to be a strictly invitation only event as we are restricted to 6 max, but we hope to share some photos here soon. We plan to hold the village hall AGM virtually on 26th October at 7.30pm. This will provide an opportunity to let everyone know what is going on and how we plan to move forward given the current challenges.
Fortunately the hall is in a good place; it is financially healthy and functioning again - for the moment at least! The meeting is for members but anyone who resides in Helsington Parish can be a member for the princely sum of £1. If you contact me by email - [email protected] - I will happily set up membership and give you the details for joining the meeting. We are aware that there have been a number of newcomers to the village whom we would have met at social events in normal circumstances and we would have invited them to join us. If you know of such people please forward this to them. Let’s hope there are some new faces to join us on 26th October. Best wishes to you all, Richard Bryan Chair We have posted the NHS track & trace QR code on the door of the hall for those who have downloaded and are using the app.
Village Hall - June update
The Village Hall is currently closed and will remain so until the end of July. Whilst halls are now allowed to reopen we are still waiting for detailed guidance particularly in relation to the many physical activities that are provided (such as pilates and yoga) as they are currently excluded from this permission. We will not open until the trustees are confident that the hall is Covid-19 compliant and safe to use. The Annual General Meeting has been postponed until it becomes practicable to hold one. A copy of the accounts and an update on current issues will be circulated to all members early in July. We hope to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the opening of the hall in October - please note the 10th and 24th October as possible dates in your diary. It would be good for us all to get together if at all possible after a difficult year. Best wishes to you all Richard Bryan |
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