At this stage it would be helpful to know how many locals are interested, before potentially spreading the word wider. An email to [email protected] with the proposed number attending from your household would give us some idea, but please note, no ticket reservations can be made as yet.
Please get back to Richard as soon as possible - it's only four weeks away! Some good news! It’s the Hall’s 10th anniversary this weekend.
Unfortunately we can’t hold the party we had planned to thank all the friends & volunteers who helped to put the new hall in place and who keep it up & running and safe. We will be marking the occasion though, with a tree planting event this weekend, so next time you are at the Hall, look out for the new crab apple tree in the garden. This needs to be a strictly invitation only event as we are restricted to 6 max, but we hope to share some photos here soon. We plan to hold the village hall AGM virtually on 26th October at 7.30pm. This will provide an opportunity to let everyone know what is going on and how we plan to move forward given the current challenges.
Fortunately the hall is in a good place; it is financially healthy and functioning again - for the moment at least! The meeting is for members but anyone who resides in Helsington Parish can be a member for the princely sum of £1. If you contact me by email - [email protected] - I will happily set up membership and give you the details for joining the meeting. We are aware that there have been a number of newcomers to the village whom we would have met at social events in normal circumstances and we would have invited them to join us. If you know of such people please forward this to them. Let’s hope there are some new faces to join us on 26th October. Best wishes to you all, Richard Bryan Chair |
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