Village Hall - June update
The Village Hall is currently closed and will remain so until the end of July. Whilst halls are now allowed to reopen we are still waiting for detailed guidance particularly in relation to the many physical activities that are provided (such as pilates and yoga) as they are currently excluded from this permission. We will not open until the trustees are confident that the hall is Covid-19 compliant and safe to use. The Annual General Meeting has been postponed until it becomes practicable to hold one. A copy of the accounts and an update on current issues will be circulated to all members early in July. We hope to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the opening of the hall in October - please note the 10th and 24th October as possible dates in your diary. It would be good for us all to get together if at all possible after a difficult year. Best wishes to you all Richard Bryan We look forward to celebrating the tenth anniversary of the Village Hall opening in October. Just how we will do this is another matter but it is nice to have something to look forward too!
Wishing you all well, Richard Bryan On behalf of the trustees The village hall has now been legally closed since 23rd March as part of the Government lockdown. This will continue for some time and probably will not change until the third phase of the government plan for business re-opening - currently planned for 4th July. Once the way forward is clear we will advise all users about how we will re-open in a safe way.
October 2024
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