Hi All
Some notices for your diaries Boules: Tuesday 12th September: last boules session of the season at the village hall. Luigi’s hand-carved Trophy is up for grabs to retain for the winter. All welcome - bring your own refreshments. Start time 6.45. Table Tennis Group: Table tennis in the hall will restart on Tuesday 19th September from 7.00pm to 9.00pm and run every Tuesday through to December. All skill levels welcome. It’s good fun & good exercise. Equipment & soft drinks provided but feel free to bring your own bat. Cost will be £2.50 pay as you go or a one-off payment of £25 for the season (14 weeks) cash preferred. Tea Shop: Tea shop will also be back again from September - held on the last Tuesday of the month as a drop in between 3.00pm & 4.30pm. Visitors & villagers alike are welcome and payment is by donation on the day. We are hoping to invite Leah Dalby, physiotherapist, to our first session. Leah is raising money for The Mouth Cancer Foundation and she will offer hand massages during Tea Shop. Surplus proceeds from the session will be donated to Leah’s cause. Shelley will be setting up a cake making rota again this season so please could any willing bakers out there confirm to Shelley directly (in person or message 07849916167) if they would like to bake for Tea Shop & which month they would prefer! Thank you from the Tea Shop Team That’s it - sorry it’s a long read this time! Comments are closed.
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